Welcome to jubilee Creek Farms - We provide Full Service Vegetation Management for your solar site
Our Flock
We raise Registered Royal White Hair Sheep
Royal White®Sheep are hair. They were developed and selected for high performance, adaptability, easy care, flocking ability, low stress, non-flightiness, parasite resistance and height to weight proportional frames for better lamb carrying capacity, better meat distribution throughout the body and better browsing attributes. Udders are nicely placed above the ground. They are all hair, highly intelligent for sheep, the ewes excel in mothering ability and protection of their lambs. Hair lambs are cleaned up by mothers fast at birth as compared to other types of ovine, a major plus for lamb survivability, particularly with multiple lambs. Royals can breed year around, thus allowing lamb production to meet certain specific markets at various times of the year. Rams are white faced and frames well above the ground for less effect from heat off the soil and less solar heat to the affecting grazing and possibly breeding.
We are located in Princeville, Illinois about 15 miles northwest of Peoria. Jubilee Creek specializes in vegetation management for solar farms