Custom Seeding
We can provide for whatever your needs.
Deer Plots

We can clear brush for deer plots. Then we will till and seed it with a mix of brassicas, clovers, chicory, pumpkins and/or soybeans.

We can broadcast and/or no till to prepare a seedbed for the warm and cool season grasses, pollinators and forbs that you specify for the site.
Sunflowers are a favorite too.
We plant CRP/EQIP projects. This is a picture of a 3 year old warm season CRP border strip around row crops at our farm. The border strip includes big bluesteam, little bluestem, indian grass as well as black eyed susans, asters, many other forbs.

We never saw turkeys, quail or pheasants on our farms. After implementing a variety of deer plots and CRP border strips. We have seen a tremendous increase in wildlife.

Even a river otter visited us last spring